
the true blogger in me

I am, by nature, a creative person.  I like to start things and never finish them make things.  It's always been a dream of mine to have a blog and be the Martha Stewart of the internet, portraying this perfect life with my perfect creations to a group of jealous followers who totally want to be me, and I've totally tried having blogs like that.  They usually last for a month or two, and I get bored or frustrated and give up or forget and let something else take their place and go about my life as if they never existed.  But the itch to have a blog never went away, it's just I think I was trying to create a blog that wasn't real to me.

I'm nowhere near perfect, and if you know me in real life, you will know that's definitely true.  I get myself in hot water more often than not by just slightly opening my mouth.  My fingers can type something offensive before my brain will even process what is being said.  I have no problem admitting any of this to my family and friends, so I don't know why I wanted to be something I wasn't on the internet.  That's kind of creepy anyways.  I like to think I'm above average, but let's be honest, I'm probably not going to be some overnight blogging celebrity, and would I really want that?  I kind of like the life I live now.  I can be real with myself and the people (if any) who read this blog while still sharing my creations and the things I sell and the funny things that happen in my life and the crazy things my dog does and whatever else I feel needs to be shared with the world (I have no filter, so it could get messy).

My trying to represent some perfect image and leading some blog cult is really scary, now that I think about it.  I'm like barely even equipped to handle a dog and a boyfriend.  When things get bad, I just curl up in a ball and start crying until my boyfriend is forced to call my mom to handle things.  And I want to be some blogging goddess?  I should probably just stick to being myself - a goofball who occasionally has some good ideas and knows who she is and isn't afraid to show it.  Why would I want to hide that behind my computer?  I'm creative and smart and talented, and sometimes I can even be funny!  I think you guys would like me.  I'm going to give this blogging thing a try and not have any expectations of myself.  I'm doing this for me and not anyone else.

Oh, by the way, I sell Jamberry and have an Etsy shop.  You guys should totally be my customers.

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