
a bag in a frame

I have to admit, I like to think of myself as a pretty awesome decorator.  My dad is an architect, and my mom is like the go-to home stylist amongst her friends, so it kinda just runs in my blood.  I don't really have one style, I'm more eclectic and my house looks like a hodgepodge of goods, but I like what I have going on.  My decor is important to me, and impressing my guests matters, in some weird, non-vain way.

If you've been following, I'm trying to downsize and become a minimalist.  This means that the long shelf hanging above my couch (the shelf that I built and painted, thank you very much), had to be cleared of the clutter-that-actually-had-a-purpose and stocked with a few choice items that give it a chic and "grown-up" vibe.  My choices?  A canvas painting with pastel colors, a small frame of my sister's high school graduation picture, a vase with ceramic flowers, a picture of my dad, a vintage camera, a unicorn piggy bank (could you get anymore grown-up?) and a framed gift bag.

Yes, you heard me, a framed gift bag.  A gift bag from Target.  A fabulous gift bag from the Spritz collection.  The idea came from my mom, who decorated my college dorm with some wrapping paper she found.  It looked so perfect hanging on the wall with my pictures from home covering it.  So, when I saw that bag, I knew it was way too pretty to give to any of my friends (love you guys), and instead, I went immediately to the closest Homegoods and found a gold frame on clearance.  The total cost was around $18 for the frame and bag.  Yeah, just $18, and it seriously looks like a million bucks.  It looks so much better than having a bunch of mismatched art and goodies hanging out on a shelf.  I love all of my art and goodies, but I love the idea of having one statement piece even more, and the fact that it was a cheap statement piece makes it even better.

A blurry before photo... there's so much going on!
It's a crude photo, but you get the idea.  Don't you just love my dad in the middle?

What do you guys think?  Are you as excited about this as I am?  Oh, and please excuse the vent in the ceiling.  I rent, so I can't do much to change that.

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